High School Teacher Version: Canada: A Proud Past and Promising Future
This course has everything you and your students will need to make the semester a success! These are proven resources (developed over many years) that will help students understand the human experience of our history.
Through the decades there have been significant political, social and economic changes in Canada. This course will explore the harsh realities of war, Canada’s periods of prosperity and hardships, and the complexities of living in a multi-cultural society. By analyzing these events we will understand that history is not simply a series of events that once happened, but is the continual unfolding of God’s plan which impacts each of our lives in countless ways. Through these fundamental understandings students will gain greater critical thinking skills which will help in interpreting present day events with significant depth of thought. “For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Discretion will protect you and understanding will guide you” (Proverbs 2:10-11).
Exceeds the requirements for CHC 2D (Grade 10 Canadian History).
What's included:
- There are 5 engaging units: World War One, the 20s and 30s, World War Two, the Post-War Era and Years of Change, plus exam preparation resources.
- Helpful user guides are included with each unit explaining how to use the course resources.
- Answer keys for all the activity packages!
- The course can be completed using web resources, but the textbook Spotlight Canada is suggested.
- Each unit is thematically organized into a series of activities packages. Over 130 pages of activities that are visually appealing, organized and proven to help students learn.
- The best map animation website, the-map-as-history.com, is used as a resource throughout the course. A reasonable subscription is required.
- 25+ dynamic Powerpoint lectures that work along with the activities packages. These are also very engaging and clearly organized.
- Within each unit you will also find creative projects that are designed based upon differentiation and project based learning (PBL). In addition, there are traditional essay options (essay organizer included).
- Creative activities that use Smartphones, Twitter templates, station activities using primary resources, active games and more.
- Google Quizzes for the activity packages! Very helpful and effective way to assess student learning.
- There are two tests (WW I and WW II) with answer keys.
- An exam review sheet, review activities, final exam and answer key is also included to aid in exam preparation.

Course Summary | |
File Size: | 189 kb |
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Ontario Ministry Expectation | |
File Size: | 287 kb |
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World War One Unit Sample | |
File Size: | 3256 kb |
File Type: | zip |

1920s and 1930s Unit Sample | |
File Size: | 1136 kb |
File Type: | zip |

Years of Change Unit Sample | |
File Size: | 964 kb |
File Type: | zip |